Professional Identity: The Catalyst for Change


  • Sasha R. Ramlal SUNY Oneonta


Identity, Professional Identity, Self-study


Identity is a social construct that is impacted and shaped by the various aspects of our socio-cultural experiences (Moje & Luke, 2009). This article shows how my professional identity as a classroom teacher is also thusly constructed. The findings from the qualitative self-study demonstrate how my personal experiences, interactions with teacher accountability tools, and relationships with students impacted my professional identity in a manner that promoted changes in my pedagogical practice.  

Author Biography

  • Sasha R. Ramlal, SUNY Oneonta

    Sasha R. Ramlal is an Assistant Professor in the Education Department at SUNY Oneonta. She taught in New York City public schools for 10 years. She has experience teaching upper and lower elementary school grades and middle school. Additionally, she has worked as a reading specialist at St. John’s University for 6 years. Her research interests include examining how identities are jointly co-constructed among school participants and the impact this may have on one’s academic and personal identities. 






In Practice (Pedagogy)