Reminiscence and Anticipation: How a Balanced Time Perspective Predicts Psychosocial Strengths
Prior research has demonstrated the separate benefits of positive reminiscence as well as positive future anticipation. Recently, attention has been directed towards the possible additional benefits of combining both of these temporal orientations within a balanced time perspective framework. The current project investigated the relationship between a balanced time perspective and the psychosocial strengths of ego-integrity and wisdom in 144 ethnically diverse participants ranging in age from 18-58 years. Results indicated that the presence of a balanced time perspective was associated with higher levels of ego-integrity (r = .397, p < .01), wisdom (r = .448, p < .01), and attributional complexity (r = .18, p < .05). After accounting for demographic, health, and attri-butional complexity variables regression analyses indicated that a balanced time perspective accounted for an additional 7.1% and 12.5% of the variance in ego-integrity and wisdom, respectively. Implications for reminiscence theory and clinical application are discussed.